Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Change of scenario...

Okay, so Colin Powell came out and endorsed Obama.
That kinda messes up my scenario in which he bursts forth as McCain's new runny.
I'm going to keep the basics - i.e. Palin withdraws (soon, Sarah, any moment now...), and McCain is forced to announce...
(drumroll please)


Thursday, October 2, 2008

On pronunciation

I've been listening to the debate while writing this, and I've been thinking.

From what Governor Palin's just been saying, it sounds like - if the McCain ticket wins - we may just get another national leader who's convinced the word 'nuclear' is pronounced "nuke-yoo-lur". She just said it three or four times in a row. How depressing.

But, you might well say, she'd just be the Veep, we wouldn't have to hear it as often...

No, maybe not, as long as McCain stays healthy; but McCain's not in the clear either.
Have you heard how he pronounces the name of our nation's capital?

"I'm going to Warshington as an agent of change!"

Yes, he ads an "r" to Washington. He's going to Warshington. That may drive me as nuts as nukeyoolur.

Oh, please!

McCain's Intent

Okay, I think I've got his plan figured out.
For quite a while, I was convinced that John McCain didn't actually want to win the presidency. I was sure he was doing everything he could to throw the election, and was perhaps watching with amazement at how his polling numbers kept rising despite his planned missteps.

but now, I've got a different theory. He - and the other GOP powers - are just setting us up for the October Surprise. Of course, I thought today, what's an election without an October Surprise?
So how will this one work? Well, I'm guessing that the McCain will let Governor Palin do her darndest, but continue to flounder for another couple of weeks. But the McCain ticket will continue to lose ground. What will they do, one thinks. Well, suddenly Sarahcudda will announce that upon further reflection, she cannot continue to run the race. Senator McCain will put up a fine show of shock, of regret, but will sadly accept her withdrawal. He'll retreat to his ranch to 'consider all options' (meanwhile, they'll go, put their feet up, perhaps watch a football game or something, and wait for the media frenzy to hit fever pitch). After all the media have brought their cameras and microphones to his side - abandoning all attention to the Democrats - he'll emerge to announce his new running mate...
Who will it be...
Has anybody seen or heard from, oh, say, Colin Powell lately?

The Dems will be caught off guard. The Republicans and centrist independents and Democrats who've been abandoning the USS McCain in droves will stop in their tracks. Heads will turn to the Candidate and his Running Mate standing with an Arizona desert sunset behind them, arms raised in victory.

If it doesn't really happen, it would make a good novel, don'tcha think?