Monday, September 22, 2008

Throwing the election?

I just got to thinking. Is it possible that John McCain is actually trying (with little success at this stage) to throw the election?
Here's my reasoning:
He of the Straight Talk Express has taken to talking anything but straight. He's evasive, he answers straight questions with pre-scripted responses that don't, in fact, answer the original query.
He blathers on about how his opponent "was wrong about the surge", just begging for the response: "but if we hadn't gone into that mire in the first place, we wouldn't have NEEDED the surge!"
He eggs on his followers in chants of "Drill, baby, Drill", and insists that his offshore drilling plan will be a huge solution, despite the caveat we got from experts at the start of gas price spikes this year that drilling wouldn't have any effect on gas prices for five to ten years.
He was probably the last public voice to abandon his philosophy that our economy's foundations are not, in fact, sound, but have been eaten away by a bunch of greedy, self serving profiteers (in this case, I'm referring to the leaders of most major - and formerly major - financial institutions, not politicans, to whom the same adjectives could be applied).
He blatantly went and picked a running mate whose flash and initial lustre would certainly and quickly fade once the majority of the public saw she's a liar, an ambitious manipulator, and as far from the Christian virtues of forgiveness, patience, and Love as one can possibly be.

There are many other hints he's given along the campaign that lead me to believe he doesn't really want to be President any more. But even he must be a bit stunned that the farther he gets from his original values, the deeper he gets in the muck, the more reactionary he becomes, the more the pundits say he gains in the polls.

Could he be saying to himself: "What's a guy got to do in order to hand a victory to the other side?!"

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